Saskia Maria McAdam's profile

WeTransfer - DandAD Brief

This is my 3rd piece of work for the Creative Advertising module form the 1st semester of 2nd year. For this piece we had to choose a live brief off the DandAD website and create the work. I decided to choose the WeTransfer brief which was to create a print and online illustration which shows where I see myself in 10 years time.
To help execute this I decided to use the Jenga game as like in the game of Jenga you have to be careful you don't knock over the tower when removing a block. Which helps represent the obstacles and difficulties you face in life when trying to achieve your goals which is therefore why I wrote on each block something I want to have achieved in the next 10 years and then when I have achieved one I will place the block on top of the pile.
The online illustration will be fairly similar but will become interactive to the viewers. So when they hover thier curser over a particular block it would come up with a bubble going into more detail about that goal I want to achieve.
For example the 'Emigrate to the Netherlands' block would say something along the lines of;
“By the time I am 25 I want to of emigrated to the Netherlands and be living in the centre of Amsterdam. Netherlands holds a strong meaning to me as I have Dutch heritage as my Oma (Dutch for grandma) is from the Netherlands but moved to England when she was 21 and married an English man. I always see myself following in her footsteps but reversing history and moving to Holland and marrying a Dutch man.”
WeTransfer - DandAD Brief

WeTransfer - DandAD Brief

Create a print and online illustration to show where I want to be in 10 years time.
